Unity3D Project Settings

Quality Settings

Select Edit/Project Settings/Quality

1) Set VSync Count option to Don't Sync

It will be best if the app frame-rate equals the display frame-rate. However, due to the hardware capacity and content complexity, the former frame-rate might be lower. Usually, it is acceptable if the app frame-rate is greater than half of the display frame-rate. Just choose Don't Sync and QWR VRone SDK will handle the VSync signal automatically.

2) If you find the performance too slow, try setting Rendering/Anti Aliasing to Disabled

Player Settings

1) Select Edit/Project Settings/Player/Settings. Under Android/Resolution and Presentation

  • Change Default Orientation to Landscape Left

  • Check Use 32-bit Display Buffer

3) Current QWR VRone SDK does not support Vulkan yet. As a result, we recommend check Auto Graphics API option under Edit/Project Settings/Player/Settings for Android/Other Settings OR OpenGLES3 is recommended on top of the Graphics API list.

4) In Edit/Project Settings/Player Settings for Android/Other Settings check Multithreaded Rendering.However please be cautious to turn it on because this option was reported unstable in some Unity versions.

Select Edit/Project Settings/Time and set the Fixed Timestep to 0.01

Last updated