Importing QWR VRone SDK Unity3D package

Import the QWR VRone SDK package

  1. Open Unity3D

  2. Select Assets/Import Package/Custom Package

  3. Select the QWR VRone SDK package

Replace Camera

  1. Delete the default main camera

  2. Find Assets/QWR/Prefabs/QwrCameraRig.prefab

  3. Simply drag the prefab into the Hierarchy windows

After replacing the default main camera, the associated features require some adjustments. We recommend using Canvas in World Space instead of Screen Space.

Modify Android Manifest.xml

The AndroidManifest.xml will be replaced by default during the SDK import stage. However, if you want to use a self-defined AndroidManifest.xml, below are changes that need to be made in this file to make the VR App running on the VRone device correctly.

Please refer to Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml

Inherit from class

If the game inherits from UnityPlayerActivity, please change the inheritance to inherit from com.qwr.sdk.QwrActivity; If the game does not inherit from UnityPlayerActivity, please set com.qwr.sdk.QwrActivity as the main Activity

Add the following metadata

<meta-data android:name="com.softwinner.vr.mode" android:value="vr"/>

Add a VrListener statement

<service android:name=""


        <action android:name="android.service.vr.VrListenerService" />



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