QWR VRone Unity3D SDK Manual

QWR VRone Unity3D SDK enables developers to create Virtual Reality content for the VRone HMD. We aim to provide a flexible and simple interface for VR so that the developers can focus on designing awesome and immersive VR experiences. The SDK is available for download at https://developer.questionwhatsreal.com/

Look Around in Unity3D Editor

The QWR VRone SDK provides an auxiliary camera mover script in Unity3D Editor. Hold down the Alt key, move the mouse around with the right mouse button pressed to look around.

Supported Unity3D version

QWR VRone SDK is verified to support the following Unity versions. Please try to match with the versions specified, otherwise the SDK might not work correctly.

  • Unity3D 5.3.4

  • Unity3D 5.4.3

  • Unity3D 5.5.0

  • Unity3D 5.6.1

  • Unity3D 2017

  • Unity3D 2018

Last updated